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Khatyrchi District Hospital №31

Development of IT Infrastructure to Improve Patient Care

Recently, Numeral provided a local hospital in the rural Navoi region, Uzbekistan with hardware to digitalize operations, improve patient management, and streamline healthcare services. The equipment included computers, UPS (uninterruptible power supply) units to address constant power outages, printers, and more.

Located in a rural region, the hospital was built in 1998 and currently cares for almost 9,000 low-income patients from nearby villages, with a medical staff of over 20 people. The hospital ran its entire operations solely relying on paper-based processes as it didn’t have access to the basic technology. This led to longer processes and wait times, poor patient flow and management, manual errors, loss of records, and no easy access to historical patient data.

Following the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, the hospital was inundated with an influx of patients. With no access to technology, it became increasingly challenging to manage and admit long lines of patients, which led to increased exposure and spread of the disease, and a need for more patient beds. The situation became very dangerous for not only the patients but the staff as well. Numeral saw an opportunity to help.

Hospital Numbers






Doctors & Staff

Access to digital tools in hospitals provides a well-rounded view of patient health through current and historical data. This allows for the opportunity to improve patient medical outcomes, enhance the efficiency of processes and practices, reduce costs, increase quality, and choose the best medicine options for patients in the healthcare setting.

Now that the staff has access to technology, Numeral is helping the hospital to create a medical database for almost 9,000 patients. This would allow the medical staff to monitor and treat each patient’s health condition accordingly while providing insights into medical conditions to better predict the course of treatment and patient outcomes.

Akbar Urakov, Chief Medical Officer 

Thanks to these digitalization efforts, we’re already seeing improvements in our patient flow and quality of services.

While adoption of the technology at the hospital by its medical staff is a slow process, the hospital is moving in the right direction. “Thanks to these digitalization efforts, we’re already seeing improvements in our patient flow and quality of services”, commented Akbar Urakov, Chief Medical Officer of Khatyrchi District Hospital №31.

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